Announcing the latest book offering from Classic Reprint Press


Beautiful! - 128 Page,  PB (Paperback) 7.44” x 9.68”

"The Legend of Hell:
An Examination of the Idea of Everlasting Punishment"

by Percy Dearmer

ISBN: 978-1-934251-31-7


About the Author:


Percy Dearmer was born on February 27, 1867, in Kilburn, Middlesex, England. He was educated at Westminster and at Christ Church, Oxford. Author, minister, professor, and hymnologist, Dreamer introduced to us the now famous song Morning Has Broken, in his 1931 edition of Songs of Praise. He died on May 29, 1936 in London, Eng­land, and was buried at Westminster Abbey, London, England.


He wrote concerning the first edition of The Legend of Hell in 1929:


“When I was in France during the war I used to ask the men to put questions in a box. The question most frequently asked was ‘How can a just God send people to everlasting torment?’” Hence the need for this book. Deals with all aspects of the subject, without shirking any of its difficulties.



Now available!

"The Legend of Hell:

An Examination of the Idea of Everlasting Punishment"

Beautiful! - 128 Page,  PB (Paperback)




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